Jun 19Liked by Agapi •a love project•

Because i was a chubby baby when i was born, i look a bit fat. I've been unemployed since three years ago, and this has made me look fatter than before. Moreover, not seroiusly searching for job opporrunities has made me be ashamed of my body. I've tried to repeat affirmations to increase my self-love, but sometimes it becomes very hard for me to do so. I'm open to your suggestions.

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Everything takes time my friend! So happy that you are trying to be a better you with affirmations.It's a process that takes time and effort. Psychotherapy also helps in every matter so you can try it.🤍

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Jun 21Liked by Agapi •a love project•

Thank you. I'll give psychotherapy a second try (there was a time when i didn't know myself and going to weekly therapy sessions helped me a lot).

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Wonderful and much needed!

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