I decided a long time ago not to have children because I have always been single, struggling financially, and have been hurt one too many times by men. I stopped trusting them and knew I would have to raise a child alone. I never wanted to be responsible for another person’s psyche and wellbeing, when I have had so many challenges.
Now, at 60 years old, I am so glad I didn’t have children because seeing the world in the state it’s in environmentally, politically, and economically, makes me afraid for my nieces and nephews, their children, and all the young people in the world. They have inherited a sick planet, and broken governments, whose leaders don’t care about the average person’s quality of life or right to choose how they live their lives or whether to even have children. I never thought I would see such global corruption by billionaires and Big Tech, Big Pharma, Big Oil, etc., and I cannot see how we can stop them because the generations of children who have followed mine do not seem capable of making the hard decisions that must be made to bring about the revolution that will be required to change—especially North America—for the better. I will embrace my death when it comes because where I go, then, has got to be better than where I am now.
I decided not to have children after so many issues with endometriosis - I just told the doctor that being pain free was more important than having children. Besides, my mother drilled into my head when I was a teen, "I hope someday you have children just like you so that you can know what real misery is." That did it for me!
I decided a long time ago not to have children because I have always been single, struggling financially, and have been hurt one too many times by men. I stopped trusting them and knew I would have to raise a child alone. I never wanted to be responsible for another person’s psyche and wellbeing, when I have had so many challenges.
Now, at 60 years old, I am so glad I didn’t have children because seeing the world in the state it’s in environmentally, politically, and economically, makes me afraid for my nieces and nephews, their children, and all the young people in the world. They have inherited a sick planet, and broken governments, whose leaders don’t care about the average person’s quality of life or right to choose how they live their lives or whether to even have children. I never thought I would see such global corruption by billionaires and Big Tech, Big Pharma, Big Oil, etc., and I cannot see how we can stop them because the generations of children who have followed mine do not seem capable of making the hard decisions that must be made to bring about the revolution that will be required to change—especially North America—for the better. I will embrace my death when it comes because where I go, then, has got to be better than where I am now.
I decided not to have children after so many issues with endometriosis - I just told the doctor that being pain free was more important than having children. Besides, my mother drilled into my head when I was a teen, "I hope someday you have children just like you so that you can know what real misery is." That did it for me!